5 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Back Acne Fast

Home Remedies for Back Acne, how to get rid of back acne, clear back acne fast, get rid of back acne overnight

Clear Back Acne Overnight

A lot of people deal with acne at some point in their life. Acne can appear not only on the face, but on the whole body as well. They can appear at any part where there are sebaceous glands that can produce sebum and clog the pores. It is proven that around 75% of those who suffer from acne have acne on their back.
Back acne are caused by the same reasons as the face acne. The dead skin cells get trapped into the hair follicles and the bacteria infects the pores which results in inflammation and red bumps filled with pus.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Back Acne

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is famous for tis anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, which is great for reducing the inflammation from the infected pores. This oil is great because it can kill the acne causing bacteria and dry up the clogged pores.
There is a study which proves that this oil is as effective as the famous benzoyl peroxide in reducing the number of inflamed pores. There are also less side-effects from the tea tree oil.
If you want to use this oil as a natural remedy, you should dilute the oil and use it as a toner. You can dilute it in any carrier oil such as almond, coconut, or jojoba oil (5-10 drops in 30ml of carrier oil). But, if you want to use the oil on your back, you should mix the tea tree oil with Aloe Vera gel or witch hazel. Apply the mixture with a cotton ball on the affected skin areas and let it dry.
If you want to have best results you should apply the oil couple of times per day. Also, you can add 10 drops of tea tree oil in your shower gel and kill the bacteria while you take a shower.


If you want to eliminate the acne from your back you should take an oatmeal bath because it will reduce the inflammation of the infected pores and calm the painful bumps on the back. Oatmeal can also prevent any further acne outbreaks.
Oatmeal is known for its antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties. So, if you want to try the oatmeal bath, this is how you should make it:
  • Take an old pair of pantyhose and fill them with few handfuls of oatmeal. Then, place the pantyhose under the faucet.
  • Run some warm water through the oatmeal and fill the bath.
  • You should squeeze the oatmeal from time to time in order to extract more oat liquid.
  • Get in the tub and soak in for around 20 minutes. You can also take the oatmeal in your hands and scrub your back so you can exfoliate the back and remove any dead skin cells and sebum.
You should do this few times per week so you can reduce the inflammation on the back and remove any dirt that can clog the pores.

Sugar Scrub

You can also unclog the pores on the back with a sugar scrub. This scrub will remove the excess sebum and the dead skin cells that are causing the bacne. The texture of the sugar can scrub away all the grime and dirt that has accumulated over some time. So, here is how you should make the scrub:
  • Blend ¼ cup of brown sugar with 1 tbsp. honey, and juice from ½ lemon until you get a thick paste.
  • Take the scrub in your hands and massage the skin areas with acne.
  • Let it stay for 5 minutes.
  • Use warm water to wash the scrub.
You can use the scrub 2 times per week to unclog the pores and prevent any further bacne.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also great when it comes to exfoliating and cleansing the acne prone skin. ACV has an acidic nature which helps in the removal of the dead skin cells and makes it so much easier to unclog the inflamed pores. You can make your own toner by mixing equal parts of water and ACV. Then, take a cotton ball and soak it in the toner and apply it on the back. The ACV will remove the excess sebum and all the dead skin cells. You should do this every day if you want to reduce the number of pimples on your back.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is amazing when it comes to reducing the redness from the inflamed pimples and its granulated texture makes it a great exfoliator.
Baking soda contains antibacterial compounds that are great for fighting bacterial infections. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can heal the wounds faster.
If your back is filled with large pustules, you should use baking soda as a spot treatment and reduce the redness and the swelling. You can add some water to the baking soda and form a paste and apply the paste directly onto the spots on your back. Let the paste stay for 15 minutes and rinse it off. You should use this treatment every day to eliminate the pimples and spots in a quick way.
You can also make another remedy by adding lemon juice to the baking soda paste.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. baking soda with 1 tsp. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. water. The mixture should look like a paste.
  • Put the paste on your back and let it stay for 15 minutes.
  • Use warm water to rinse the area and pat dry.
If your skin is too sensitive, you shouldn’t use the remedy that contains the lemon juice because your skin may sting too much.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties that can protect and soothe the red and irritated skin. Aloe Vera gel is used in many acne treatments because it speeds up the healing process and reduces the inflammation dramatically.
You can take the pure Aloe Vera gel and put it on the acne directly so you can shrink the inflamed pores and soothe the red skin.
Also, you can add couple of drops of tea tree oil into the Aloe Vera gel and you will make it even more effective. You should apply this mixture on the back and speed up the healing process and reduce the severity of the acne.