30 Brilliant Uses of Vicks Vapor Rub You Never Thought Of

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Surprising Benefits and Uses of Vicks Vaporub

Vicks VapoRub is one of the most underrated and versatile cure-alls that you probably have in your medicine cabinet and never knew. And no, we’re not just talking about VapoRub’s ability to help you clear up congestion or get rid of a headache. Everybody knows Vicks VapoRub can do that!

To get rid of headache, cold, cough, congested nose, chest and throat stuffiness, most of us rely on Vicks VapoRub. But, do you know that this versatile product can do much more than this? If not, read the article! You will be definitely surprised to know the amazing uses of Vicks VapoRub, which you didn’t know yet.

Vicks Vapor Rub Uses

So what are the other uses for vicks vapor rub? Well, in this article you’ll discover twenty problems you never knew Vicks VapoRub could help you with.

1. Defer Mosquitoes

Apply a small amount of Vaseline on your clothing and skin. It will keep the mosquitoes away from you.

2. Sinus Headaches

Vicks VapoRub is a good home remedy for treating sinus headaches. Apply Vicks under your nose. Breathe deeply. The menthol present in it will calm the headache.

3. Clears Acne

It might sound a little crazy, but Vicks VapoRub helps in clearing your skin. Apply it on acne several times a day. This will soothe and dry out acne.

4. Instant Tears

Need to shed tears on cue for a photo shoot or stage performance? Just pat small quantity of Vicks VapoRub under your eyes.
Note- Don’t apply it into your eyes or on your eyelids.

5. Natural Insect Repellant

Rub Vicks VapoRub on your neck, inner knees, elbows, and behind your ears. It will keep insects away from you. To ward off flies, open the bottle of Vicks on the picnic table. Isn’t it the best eco-friendly trick to apply with insects?

6. Relief from Bruising

Mix a pinch of salt in Vicks VapoRub. Apply it on a fresh bruise. It will break up the bruise quickly.

7.  Mitigate Sore Muscles

Gently rub Vicks VapoRub on sore muscles. Then, cover the affected area with a warm and dry towel. Lie down or slightly lift the paining limb, till soreness reduces. Practice it thrice a day.

8. Skin Moisturizer

Vicks VapoRub is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. Rub it on your dry skin and feel the magic!

9. Tennis Elbow

Are you suffering from tennis elbow? Rub Vicks VapoRub and get rid of the pain. Menthol and camphor, present in it, will heal the aching elbow. Re-apply till the elbow stops aching.

10. Heals Cracked Heels

Spread a thick layer of Vicks VapoRub on your heels and feet. Then don the cotton socks. Wash your feet in the morning, with warm water. Use pumice stone to exfoliate the softened skin. Employ it every night, for maintaining the healthy and smooth heels.

11. Fingernail or Toenail Fungus

Rub Vicks VapoRub on the infected toenail or fingernail, two times a day. Cover your feet with cotton socks, at bedtime. Frequently trim the nails, till infected part is entirely removed.

12. Chest Decongestant

Apply Vicks VapoRub on your throat and chest, to get relief from congestion symptoms and cough.

13. Prevents Your Cat from Scratching

To prevent your mischievous Miss Kitty from tarnishing windows, walls and doors, rub a small quantity of Vicks VapoRub to these areas.

14. Heals Splinters or Cuts

For speeding up the healing time and preventing infection, apply Vicks on any splinter or cut.

15. Reek-free Racehorses

On the race day, professional racers rub Vicks VapoRub below the nostrils of racehorses. It deters the horses from the fascinating stench of the female pony, thereby keeping them focused on the race.

16. Fades Stretch Marks

Apply Vicks VapoRub on the stretch marks. You will notice the result within two weeks of regular application.

17. Deter Pet Pee-Pee

If you want to prevent your pet from wetting the rug or any area of the house, put an open bottle of Vicks VapoRub in those areas.

18. Treats Eczema

Apply Vicks VapoRub on the eczema affected skin. It will lessen the inflammation and itchiness.

19. Ear Pain Reliever

Apply Vicks VapoRub on a cotton ball. Put it in aching ear. It will provide you instant relief.

20. Athletes Feet

To heal athlete’s feet, apply Vicks VapoRub two times a day.

21. Furniture Savior

If you own a cat and they like to scratch on things, some VapoRub will work wonders here because your cat won’t like the smell. Whether it’s a wall or a door, you can increase their life by deterring your feline friend.

22. Aromatherapy Solution

If you want to transmit a beautiful scent into the air, make sure you have some Vicks added to your air freshener and it’ll soon circulate around the whole room. If you’re ill or experiencing chest congestion, this is a great way to turn the environment in your favor. 

23. Earache Soothing

Along with a headache, an earache is another pain we could do without. Assuming your earache is caused by a common cold, you can ease pain with a Vicks VapoRub cotton ball. As you rub the cotton ball around in your ear a little, the Vicks should start easing the pain.

24. Squeak Removal

Do you have a door that always squeaks when opening or closing? If so, Vicks VapoRub often works as an emergency replacement for oil. 

25. Wart Removal

After applying some Vicks VapoRub to the affected area, cover with a bandage or band aid and then place your sock over the top. If you can apply it once or twice a day for the next two weeks, the wart should disappear.

26. Lip Plumper

Nowadays, many people apply VapoRub to the lips because it has so many benefits. With the menthol, it should make them feel softer while also making them look thicker. Of course, the petroleum jelly will keep them moisturized; this being said, it isn't a solution for dry lips because this can cause irritation.

27. Covering Smells

On a day-to-day basis, there are many unpleasant smells that can occur from a baby’s diaper to removing the trash. While holding our breath works in the short-term, it doesn’t help with removing the smell in the long-term. With a combination of the Vicks air freshener we discussed previously and a little applied under the nose, you’ll be immune to all those nasty scents.

28. Aching Muscles

After working out, it isn't long before the trained muscles start to ache (the next day is always difficult after ‘leg day’!). To remove the aching somewhat, a layer of Vicks applied with a warm towel will relieve pain and improve recovery; this is something many sportspeople do after an event.

29. Infection Prevention

As we saw earlier, Vicks is useful when treating splinters and cuts but it applies to most wounds where infection is a likely problem.

30. Shower Bomb

Just recently, there has been several commercials for the so-called ‘shower disks’ containing Vicks VapoRub and this is something else people seem to love. After placing the disk in the shower, the vapors should aid any sniffling or cold you’ve been experiencing; the steam combines with the Vicks to help your sinuses.

Final Note:

There we have it, the uses, benefits, and secrets of Vicks VapoRub! Before we let you get back to your day, we should first state that Vicks contains levomenthol which is a mint-like substance. If you read that Vicks VapoRub shouldn't be used because of this ingredient, we urge you to ignore it because this ingredient can only cause rashes and other issues when used alone. Since Vicks has eucalyptus oil, this negates the power of the levomenthol and makes it safe to use.

We bet your medicine cabinet will never be free from Vicks VapoRub now!