10 Herbs You Can Grow And Cultivate Using Only Water

10 Herbs You Can Grow And Cultivate Using Only Water

In this article you are going to find the simplest ten herbs that you can grow at your own home and you will not need anything but water!
The primary step you should do is place the chosen herbs into glass bottles that contains water (pure water). You shouldn’t use tap water because it contains other chemicals and compounds that can damage the herbs.
The best option for you would be to put the herbs into glass bottles, but plastic bottles are also great. However, the bottles need to be coloured because you shouldn’t expose the roots to direct light. Bottles that have a narrow mouth will keep the herbs in an upright position.
If you notice that the herbs have flowered and its leaves are getting out of the narrow opening, you should cut them off because they will probably rot in the water. Depending on which plant you have put into the glass you should change the water accordingly.
For example, if you have rosemary you should change the water once per week. Other plants need their water to be changed more frequently. When the plant sprouts its roots, which will be somewhere between 2 and 6 weeks, you don’t need to change the water.

10 best herbs that can grow with this method:

1. Rosemary
Rosemary needs to be kept on a sunny place and you should know that its roots might take some time to grow. Its roots usually grow faster in spring.
2. Sage
Put few cuttings in water and place the pot into a place that has air, because this plant is prone to mildew.
3. Peppermint
Peppermint is known for its oils that are excellent for a lot of things. You should place couple of fresh cuttings into water and you will notice that they will start to grow.
4. Tarragon
Place couple of cuttings into water and place the pot in a spot that is bright and warm. You can find different Tarragon types, but the French variety is best used for culinary purposes, and the Russian one in salads.
5. Basil
Basil is very simple to grow. You should place couple of cuttings into water before they begin to flower and place the pot into a place that has a lot of sun.
6. Green mint
Green mint is actually a hybrid of spearmint and is easy to grow as well.
7. Thyme
This herb is usually planted in early summer before it starts to flower. When the plant starts to grow, you should cut its stem in half so it can grow branches.
8. Oregano
All you need to do is add few oregano cuttings into water and as it starts to grow cut its tips.
9. Lemon balm
Place few lemon balm cut stalks into water in fall or spring and place the pot into a sunny spot. The plant will develop its roots in approximately one month. You should change the water of the plant more frequently, particularly if it’s hot outside. You can use its leaves to make tea.
10. Stevia
You can put couple of stalks of stevia into water and place the pot in a warm and sunny place. People use stevia as a natural alternative for sugar because it will not raise the levels of glucose in your blood. You can use it as you would use sugar.