2000 Calories Diet – Food Selection And Diet Plan

2000 Calories Diet Plan, Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Diet Plan for Weight Loss

The 2000 calorie diet plan is actually a diet that most people have. However, in this diet you will need to focus more on whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in order to change your lifestyle and make it healthy.
With this diet you will supply your body with plenty of nutrients, have more energy, and be healthier. You can maintain your current weight or even lose weight depending on the food choices you make.
When you make a diet plan that suits your needs you will not have any kind of problem sticking to it because all the foods will be tasty and you will not feel hungry. If you work out regularly, 2000 calories per day are enough to give you energy and stamina to go through those workouts.
The main thing you should focus on is ditching all that unhealthy food such as junk food, food high in trans-fats, processed foods, and sugary foods and drinks. Try to make a habit by buying fresh produce from the local farmers market, whole foods and lean protein from your local supermarket.
In this article you will find two sample diet menus that consist of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack ideas. You can follow the plan from the beginning, or you can incorporate the things you like in your own diet you are going to tailor yourself.

2000 Calorie Diet Plan

Sample 1:
  • 2 scrambled eggs, 2 bacon strips, 2 slices of bread (whole-wheat), and 1 glass of skim milk
Midday snack:
  • You can snack on anything you like as long as it contains 100 calories.
  • You can eat around 450 calories for lunch. You can make some tacos and eat a few.
Afternoon snack:
  • You can have a dairy product such as string mozzarella cheese, some fat-free cottage cheese, or a cup of fat-free yogurt. However, it shouldn’t be more than 100 calories.
  • Roasted beef patties, 1 baked potato, 1 slice of whole-wheat bread, lettuce salad with tomatoes, cucumber, and mozzarella, seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt.
Evening snack:
  • 1 glass of skim milk and ½ cup of blueberries.
Sample 2:
Breakfast: (570 calorie consumption)
  • 2 scrambled eggs with some spring onions, 2 pieces of whole-wheat bread, and 1 piece of fruit of your choice
Lunch: (530 calories from fat)
  • Grilled chicken breast with a serving of noodles (wheat grain)
Midday snack: (200 energy)
  • 2 slices of bread (whole-wheat) with some peanut butter
Dinner: (800 unhealthy calories)
  • 1 cup of Chili con carne, 1 piece of bread (whole wheat), and a cup of lettuce salad
You should also pay attention to the liquid calories you consume during the day. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink a lot of water and herbal teas. Stay away from sodas and diet sodas. When you drink water and tea you will flush out all the toxins from the body and keep up the metabolic rate.
This diet may come as a surprise to you because it isn’t low in calories. However, if you think that you need to consume around 200 calories per day according to your gender, age, and level of activity, then this is perfect for you. If you are not sure how much calories you need you can talk to a nutritionist or a doctor and get the approval from him. In that way you will start your diet knowing that you have made the right choice.