3 Benefits You Will Get When You Begin To Fast

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Many cultures are familiar with the method of fasting and they have used it for a long time as a method of cleansing.
You can find different fasting methods, and each of the methods offers different benefits. There is the water fast, the dry fast, the juice fast, partial fast, or the Master Cleanse. As we said before, there are multiple benefits from each method, and in this article you are going to see what you can expect from fasting.

4 Benefits You Will Get When You Begin To Fast

Benefit No. 1 – Rejuvenation and detoxification
Many people think that the biggest benefit is weight loss. However, the principle thing that makes the fasting successful is that it gives your body a break from digesting food. The energy your body uses for digestion is now used for regeneration and healing. It is said that fasting strengthens the body’s vital force.
When you try the water fast your body first begins to burn the stored sugar. If you stay on this fasting method longer, your body will start to burn the stored fat (usually after 2-3 days). This is when your body will enter the state of ketosis.
You will have more energy and you will become mentally alert. Your brain will get more oxygen and the ketones you will produce will speed up your metabolism. After the first day of fasting you may end up 2 pounds lighter because your body flushes out every toxin and retained liquid.
Benefit No. 2 – Reduce your risk of disease
Even though with fasting you can’t cure a disease, your body will be able to heal itself. One study proves that people who fast can lower the risk of getting a heart disease. When you take a break from eating you make the cells less insulin resistance, which is great for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.
Another study concludes that fasting can make the body kill cancer cells because they feed on blood glucose, and when you fast your body uses the glucose first. The bloodstream lacks glucose and the cancer cells can’t feed.
The 2001 Conference on Fasting Therapy claims that fasting has effect on eliminating allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. It can also be effective for asthma, colitis, hypothyroidism, and hypertension.
Benefit No. 3 – Anti-aging
When your body eliminates all the toxins from the cells, tissues, and organs, you will surely live longer. Your body actually works really hard to maintain a healthy pH level in the body, and the harder it works, the lower your immunity becomes.
When you have a lot of damage in your cells from free radicals, you will have higher chances of developing a chronic disease. When you fast you will experience cellular rejuvenation and repair.
Your cells and arteries also flush out every built up toxin, and in that way they become more elastic and clear.
You will get the needed energy to hear your voice from within. You will see things more clearly and you will deal with your personal issues in a better way.