Water And Walking Challenge – 30 Days To Better Health

Water And Walking Challenge, how to get healthy fast, walking and weight loss, benefits of drinking water, benefits of walking

One of the best way to improve your overall health are walking and drinking water. Therefore, we have created a challenge that combines these two activities together.
If you happen to be active and drink plenty of water you don’t need to start this challenge.
If you decide to start the challenge you will build up the walking time and the amount of water you consume slowly in the period of one month. You will increase each level gradually.
This challenge will easily fit into your everyday life and you will not have to change anything.

Water and Walking challenge – 30 days to better health

This part of the challenge will last only 10 days.
1. Each morning when you get up drink a glass of water. If you want an additional kick you can add one slice of lemon in the water.
2. Get up and walk outside for at least 10 minutes per day.
You can surely do more than this if you want, but this is the minimum you should do the first 10 days.
The following 10 days you should drink more water and walk more.
1. Drink that big glass of water after you wake up.
2. Take a one litre bottle filled with water and drink it during the day.
3. Walk every day for at least 20 minutes.
This is just the minimum for these 10 days, which means you can do more.
The last 10 days you should drink more water and walk more and attempt to maintain this level as a long-term goal.
1. Drink a glass of water each morning after you wake up.
2. Drink one liter of water during the day.
3. Drink one glass of water with every meal.
4. Take a walk for half an hour.
Staying hydrated and moving your body are the best ways to stay healthy and lose weight in the long run. Even though this challenge lasts only 30 days, you should make it a part of your life.