The Magic Homemade Recipe For Fastest Hair Growth! 3-Ingredients

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3-Ingredients Magic Recipe For Fastest Hair Growth

Anger, frustration, and aggravation are common emotions experienced by women trying to achieve faster hair growth, and rightfully so.
We always try to find proven tips that are boasted, but in reality, they don’t do what they are expected to do. Hair growth is tricky territory filled with quicksand traps we should avoid. First, you have the “miracle hair growth” products that promise inches of growth in just a few short weeks. Then, there’s the overwhelming amount of unproven “fast hair growth tips”. All of these do more harm than good and never live up to their potential. But here is the good news! Faster hair growth is indeed possible. And it can be achieved naturally without investing large amounts of time or money, and without risking damage to your hair. There are a lot of awesome growth treatments you can make in your own kitchen using essential oils, herbs, and even fruits and veggies! And the hair growth treatments I’m going to discuss right now are definitely worth checking out. Your number one priority when trying to grow your hair should be eating right. Be sure to also take the supplements, especially vitamin A which is essential for hair and nail growth. Below, I’ve provided you the top recipe to grow your hair faster. Use as often as possible and you’ll have an excellent chance to finally see the results you’ve been looking for.

Recipe for Fastest Hair Growth


  • Egg yolk – from 1 egg
  • Castor Oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon


Mix all these ingredients together in a bowl. Stir well to ensure that they are mixed properly. Apply the mixture smoothly on the hair roots and the length of the hair. Put on a shower cap and wait for at least 2 hours. Wash the hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner. You may also apply hair mask. All these 3 ingredients make the perfect remedy for healthier and fast growing hair. Your hair will re-grow in the shortest possible time. Do this treatment at least once a week for 2 months.


Castor Oil

Castor oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and is high in Vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and Omega 6 and 9 beneficial fatty acids. Its unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it beneficial to skin and hair.
helps with hair regrowth and hair loss, makes the hair richer and darker, prevents split ends, treats dandruff and dry scalp, moisturizes the hair and makes it shine, works in an antifungal and antibacterial way and can prevent problems such as piedra, ringworm, and folliculitis.


The beauty and health benefits of honey have been known to the mankind since centuries. It is believed that the Egyptian Princess Cleopatra, world’s most beautiful woman of that time, would bathe herself in honey and milk. Honey is itself a powerful antioxidant that also has great fungicidal and germicidal benefits. When combined with its natural wax, all these properties make honey the perfect hair conditioner that prevents hair loss.

Egg Yolk

Although eggs are one of the most commonly used foods in the kitchen, they are useful for more than just baking and cooking. Eggs contain a large amount of protein as well as fatty acids and vitamins to strengthen hair. They deliver the correct nutrients so your hair can optimize its health. Besides, it contains several other nutrients required for faster and healthier hair growth. The biotin found in yolk helps in renewing the hair follicles and roots.