14 Foods With Almost No Calories and a Lot of Nutrients

Foods With Almost No Calories and a Lot of Nutrients, no calorie foods, weight loss diet, how to loss weight fast

No Calorie Food For Weight Loss Fast

Every person has read that nutrient-rich foods are important for our health. However, we often end up eating large amounts of food that doesn’t contain the important vitamins and minerals for our body.
You should know which foods you should consume more each day that are full with nutrients. That means you should eat foods that don’t contain much calories, and contain a lot of nutrients.

Foods With Almost No Calories and a Lot of Nutrients

  1. Onions
Almost every recipe contains onions. They contain flavonoids and only 40kcal in 100g!
  1. Cucumbers
Cucumbers are made mostly out of water, which means that keep the body hydrated. They contain only 16kcal in 100g, and can be added in any salad or side dish.
  1. Celery
Just as cucumbers, celery contains the same amount of calories and is also made of water!
  1. Brussels Sprouts
This veggie has a specific flavour and as all cruciferous vegetables is low in calories. In 100g you can find only 40kcal.
  1. Apples
Even though apples contain more calories than other foods (53kcal in 100g), they contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre.
  1. Oranges
Oranges are full with vitamin C and have 45kcal in 100g.
  1. Cabbage
Cabbage is an excellent vegetable for weight loss, but it also supports the cardiovascular health and prevents cancer. It contains 24kcal in 100g.
  1. Zucchini
You can add zucchini in many recipes and with that add more nutrients to your diet. They contain only 18kcal in 100g!
  1. Cauliflower
Cauliflower has anti-inflammatory properties, helps digestion and prevents any cardiovascular issues. It contains 24kcal in 100g!
  1. Kale
Kale contains around 50kcal in 100g, but is full with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and protein. Add them to your wraps, salads, or make kale chips.
  1. Carrots
Carrots are excellent in protecting our vision. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, act as a diuretics, and regulate the blood sugar. They also contain around 40kcal in 100g!
  1. Broccoli
Broccoli is known to help digestion and is an excellent source of protein and fibre. It contains 30kcal in 100g.
  1. Asparagus
Grilled asparagus is something you should definitely try because it will make you feel full and it is delicious. It contains only 20kcal in 100g.
  1. Watermelon
Watermelons are the perfect summer refreshment. They boost the metabolism, and contain a lot of antioxidants. They contain 30kcal in 100g.
Other foods you should include in your diet that contain plenty of nutrients are lemons, grapefruits, tomatoes, turnips, and beets.