5 Warning Signs Of Hearing Loss

Warning Signs Of Hearing Loss, home remedies for Hearing Loss, how to treat Hearing Loss

Warning Signs Of Hearing Loss

Loss of hearing can affect any person in the world and can cause emotional changes, as well as changes in their wellbeing. When the person isn’t able to hear what is going on, the person can feel frustrated, stressed, or even pain.

Different factors can be the cause for hearing loss:

– Ear Infection
– Age
– Genetics
– Excessive Noise
– Meniere’s disease
– Diseases or infections like syphilis, smallpox, meningitis and mumps
– Autoimmune diseases
– Trauma
– Cholesteatoma (a growth of skin through the hole in the eardrum)
– Tumors
– Certain medications

Symptoms of the loss of hearing

The symptoms can come gradually, or they can come suddenly. When people feel they are losing their hearing they usually look for a way to deal with the problem. However, the most important thing is to look for a medical attention.


  1. Pain or pressure in one or both ears
  2. Buzzing in the ears
  3. Dizziness
  4. Amplifying the sound of the TV, radio, or similar
  5. Ask people to repeat what they have said

How to Treat Hearing Loss

There are a lot of hearing aids that can help you if your problem is loss of hearing. However, you should first try some natural remedies that will help you with this issue and maybe cure it.
Here are some of the natural remedies you can try:
Ginkgo Biloba tree – This tree is one of the oldest trees in the world which can survive few millenniums! That is the reason why many healers that come from Asia used this tree to treat different types of diseases.
Magnesium – Magnesium can help if you are exposed to high noises all the time.
Vitamin B12 – This vitamin is also helpful if your ears are often exposed to loud noises.
Sour Cabbage brine – This is one food that you can use it as medicine. It contains a lot of minerals that our body needs and can help if your concern is hearing loss.


Take a cotton wool or a clean piece of cloth and put it in the cabbage brine. Soak it completely and put in into the ear before you go to bed.