How To Burn Coffee Grounds For Mosquito Repellent

How To Burn Coffee Grounds For Mosquito Repellent, Coffee Mosquito Repellent, how to get rid of Mosquito,

Coffee Mosquito Repellent

Spring is already here, and summer is just around the corner. Many people have opened their pools for the season and are enjoying their days-off in the backyard.
Everybody loves warm and sunny summer days, but, we are all concerned with one issue when it comes to spending the time outside: bugs.
All the bugs come out of their hiding places and settle around our homes and gardens, particularly around blooming plants and flowers.
They are all part of this planet we live, but the trouble is they can spread some viruses and diseases, especially mosquitoes. So, there is a thing you can do to prevent this from happening, and you may be surprised how simple it is.

Burn Coffee Grounds For Mosquito Repellent

So, it’s time to reveal the secret.
The best way to prevent the mosquitoes from ruining your summer fun is using coffee!
Since you have probably started to worry about mosquitoes and buying all those sprays and lotions which promise you will repel them, you are probably thinking about trying this simple and at the same time brilliant hack.
Nobody likes having a sticky residue on their body and smelling funny, just to keep those mosquitoes at bay. Therefore, read the solution that will save you money and the environment as well.
You will need:
* unused coffee grounds (used coffee grounds won’t work),
* lighter
* piece of aluminium foil.
All you need to do is put the coffee grounds on the piece of aluminium foil and burn the grounds like you would burn incense. When the smell starts to come, the bugs will go away.
It will also leave a better smell than those commercial bug repellent sprays. If you need to cover a larger area, you should set a couple of burning stations surrounding the area.
This is really a simple, yet genius idea. You probably already have some coffee grounds in your home, or you can buy them at any store.
When you try this trick, you will see that it is the best life hack and you will surely use it all summer long.