20 Personal Hygiene Mistakes People Make Every Day

Personal Hygiene Mistakes, How To Keep Hygiene, self-cleaning mistakes, how to keep germ free, how to clean, personal cleaning mistakes to avoid

How To Keep Hygiene?

Good personal hygiene is the first step to good health.
It not only protects you from poor health, but also shields those around you from suffering illnesses that arise from poor personal habits. Habits such as washing your hands, bathing, brushing, flossing, may all look monotonous and boring, but they all come under important personal hygiene. They make you feel good about yourself and keep you free of bacteria, viruses, and illnesses.

Daily Hygienic Mistakes

Personal hygiene is something we don’t stop and think about, every day. We have been drilled about it since our childhood, and then we just sought of fell into a routine. Get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, do this, do that. But have you ever stopped and thought about the fact that we might be doing it wrong?

There are a lot of things to be taken into consideration for personal hygiene. Most of the people are scientifically informed about what is good and bad for their hygiene. So we prepared a list of things you might be doing wrong. Read the following common hygiene mistakes people usually make and avoid them if you do them too.

Personal Hygiene Mistakes People Make Every Day

1. Biting Your Nails As A Stress Coping Mechanism

A lot of people bite their nails as a result of stressful situations, or when they think about something and they space out. But, this habit can harm your health and make you look unattractive. You will surely be proud of yourself when you quit this habit.

2. Cleaning The Ears With Cotton Swabs

Everyone cleans their ears with Q-tips. However, you should know that the Q-tips actually push the wax deep into the ears, which can damage your eardrum, cause hearing loss, etc. If you experience any kind of problem, you should see a doctor.

3. Not Washing The Hands After You’ve Used The Restroom

Many people claim that they don’t wash their hands after using a restroom because they believe it’s not that important. But, you should always wash your hands so you can prevent any infections that will make you sick.

4. Using The Same Toothbrush For More Than 3 Months

Old and wet toothbrushes can be full with bacteria which can harm your health. It is recommended that you change your toothbrush every two months so you can prevent any serious health issues.

5. How You Brush Your Teeth

It is recommended that we brush our teeth for 2-3 minutes. We shouldn’t brush only the teeth because we will still have some tartar left. You should carefully and thoroughly clean your teeth.

6. Not Flossing The Teeth

After you brush your teeth it is very important that you floss too. Flossing will prevent any risks of getting bacteria in the mouth as well as getting gingivitis.

7. Doing Face Exfoliation Each Day

When you over-exfoliate the face you can cause acne and wrinkle formation. You should exfoliate your face no more than 2 times per week, so you can keep youthful appearance of the skin.

8. Using The Same Things Every Day And Not Cleaning Them

You probably don’t think about things you touch often that can be dirty. Objects such as keyboards, doorknobs, phones, switches contain tons of bacteria and need to be cleaned as often as possible.

9. Using A Toothpaste Filled With Fluoride

This type of toothpaste can cause incorrect teeth development among children and white spots on the teeth. It can also increase the absorption level of aluminum in the brain, and even cause crumbling of the teeth.

10. Using A Remote

University of Arizona researchers determined that television remotes are the worst carriers of bacteria in hospital rooms, worse even than toilet handles. Remotes spread antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus, which contributes to the 90,000 annual deaths from infections acquired in hospital.

11. Sharing Nail Clippers

This one seems pretty obvious, but most families and friends do this regularly without thinking of the negative repercussions. Skin breaks or gets cut often when trimming nails, opening the door to bacteria and dirt.

12. Over Clipping Your Toenails

If you cut your nails too short, wearing socks and walking will be the first problem for you. Most of us would think about ingrown toenails after walking painfully. The pressure you make will result in growing into the skin of your toe, preventing you from walking at all.

14. Save The Germs

A study of over 11,000 children determined that an overly hygienic environment increases the risk of eczema and asthma. Just like bathing too often can create a problem, using sanitizer often will also dry and crack the skin and leave it vulnerable to bacteria.

14. Using Your Hands To Wipe Off Sweat

For all of us gym rats, it is a bad habit to reach up and wipe with the same thing that has touched over a thousand different bacteria in the previous hour. Using a small towel, or even grabbing your shirt in a quick attempt to dry off, will keep you safer from sicknesses.

15. Over Bathing

A clean body can breathe. The obvious appeal is removing dirt, scum, bacteria, and other environmental extras that can cause sicknesses and deterioration. The other reason to bathe often is to remove old skin. This is the cleanest way to remove dead skin and rejuvenate pores. Don’t wait until your odor signals the need to shower. 

Do keep in mind though that over-bathing can lead to infections and irritation too. The dry and open areas from washing too much can increase the chances of bacteria getting deeper into your skin. The human body is home to some 1,000 species of bacteria. There are more germs on your body than people in the United States.

16. Covering Your Pillow With A Cotton Pillowcase.

This fabric makes you look older by adding wrinkles to your face, drying your skin, and damaging your hair. The best choice for pillowcase material is silk. It’ll give you back what the cotton case took away.

17. Using Antibacterial Soaps

Over the years, some marketing genius has managed to convince Americans that regular soap and water doesn’t really kill germs and that we need antibacterial soaps. This isn’t true. Antibacterial soaps are not only unnecessary, but they are actually causing the world more harm than good. 

The antibacterial compound put in soaps, triclosan, truly does kill bacteria, but it also kills human cells. Triclosan interrupts our body’s natural production of hormones and has led to the increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria. Plain old soap and water kill germs, friends; you do not need triclosan to do this. Buy products that do not contain this health-damaging compound.

18. Only Using the Vacuum

Many types of viruses, including the Norwalk virus and norovirus (which causes severe digestive distress) can live for at least a month on your carpets and rugs. Vacuuming is great at picking up some types of bacteria and dirt or food particles, but vacuuming is useless against a virus. Try using a steam cleaner or a disinfecting spray on a regular basis. If you have rugs, washing them regularly in hot water to kill viruses.

19. Sharing Personal Care Items

Although this seems like a no-brainer, you might be surprised how many people have no worries about sharing things like combs, hair brushes, toothbrushes, nail clippers, and other personal care items with other family members or close friends. No matter how clean or safe you might think a person is, there are all kinds of things that can be easily transferred from one person to another. Play it safe; just don’t do it.

20. Sharing Your Makeup

It is a pretty commonplace habit and if you are someone who wears makeup often, you might have indulged in it quite regularly. Nobody thinks twice about sharing eyeliner or a blush. But sharing makeup can be pretty dangerous, especially things like eye shadow, eyeliner or mascara.

While it may not seem such a big deal at the time, borrowing makeup is an easy way of letting bacteria enter your eyes and getting an infection.